Thursday, September 24, 2009


Here are some cute pictures of Kade because I finally got a picture of those little teeth! Its so hard to do man! Also, we are scheduled to close on Monday and we are planning on moving Wednesday. So Yay! Hopefully the closing goes as scheduled.We are all about blowing raspberries these days.
I don't know why these pictures are so blury but you can kind of see those little teethies!!

Everything is always in the mouth!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I never know what to call these...

So the reason behind all the sickies for Kade was TEETH! I didn't think he would get teeth this early but he did... They are in now so the worst is over yay! It was a rough week and a half for my poor boy, he was not happy and I felt so sorry for him! I don't have any pictures of the teeth because they hard to see now but here are some other pictures. He likes sucking/gnawing on a carrot so that is why he has one in that picture. :) Oh, and he slept through the night last night again so yay again! So things are looking up around here. haha! Oh and another reason things are looking up is because everything is done for our house besides closing. so.... 16 more days!!
By the way, Kade is pretty much sitting up but he gets nervous and won't do it if he doesn't have something behind him. If I am sitting behind him he can sit up for a very long time. Also he is just about rolling over. A little late I know but its still exciting.
Teeth, Sitting up, Rolling over... its been a big week for Kade!

One more thing, last night Alex and I went on a date night after Kade was asleep and Grandma was here to baby sit. We went to Iceburg and were having some fun time alone and this guy came up and started talking to us. Before we knew it he had pulled up a chair at our table and sat there talking to us for our whole date night! (I say to and not with because that is what happened) After like twenty minutes I gave Alex a look that said do something to get us out of here. So he faked a phone call from my mom saying Kade was awake. Ok thats all. Ta ta!! Enjoy the pics!

Friday, September 4, 2009


So I said a long time ago that I would put up pictures of Kade so here are some random pictures from the last little while. Most of you have probably seen them on facebook but I will put them here as well.
We get a lot of funny faces when feeding Kade rice cereal.

Four generation picture with my Dad's parents.
Dad teaching Kade how to play soccer by watching Youtube videos.

This is the last time he was sick and all he wanted to do was cuddle with Mommy.

My poor little Kade is sick AGAIN! It started with an ear infection this time and now its also a cold and a cough. Poor guy. Plus we are living with my parents so with all of that going on we have a very mixed up sleeping schedule. The first few nights we were up a lot of the night but last night he only woke up at five. Not bad at all for a sick baby but this has made VERY grateful for the 12 hours we used to have at night. I loved his schedule so I am hoping we can get on a good one again. I know they change a lot but I like have some kind of a routine. But lets get over the sickies first right?? Its so sad to watch him so miserable! He hates me wiping is nose, he usually ends up screaming. But what child likes to have their nose wiped?
There are a few things that Kade does lately that we just really love. First of all he gives the beset kisses!! He will just grab our face and suck on a cheek or whatever he can get. Its so cute. You totally know when you are going to get a kiss because of the way he grabs your face and leans in. The next thing is something we like to call the head flop. When we put him down for bed and he is really tired he just flops his head to the side and he is out. Sometime he will play in his crib for a while but when he gets tired we give him his binki, he does the head flop and he is out. If he wakes up in the middle of a nap and does the head flop that means he is going back to sleep. No head flop means he is down. Its really quite funny. And the last funny thing dum dum dum..... (haha I'm a dork a I know! Gotta do something to keep these stories interesting!) Anyways, he loves to drink out of out water bottles. He just grabs them and pulls them up to his mouth. We thought he would like a sippy cup since he is liking water so much but he totally prefers our water bottles. Its cute how much he loves to drink water. When he see's a water bottle he gets so excited he starts shaking as he is pulling it to his mouth. What a funny boy!!

Ok enough of that, time for the house news. We found another house and of course we like it better. Isn't that how these things always work out? Its in north Ogden so close to Alex's school plus he is getting transferred with work up there pretty soon. So it works out well for us. We will build equity and work our way back out to Davis County. At least that's the plan. But we really like this house a lot. Its really cute and it has a great yard! So here are some pictures of the house. They are kind of random shots. Alex just took the camera with him to the inspection and just took random pictures but this will give you a little bit of an idea of the house.

Well that was a mouthful! You know how I am, once I get going I can't stop. Even if I am just typing! haha!!