So the reason behind all the sickies for
Kade was TEETH! I didn't think he would get teeth this early but he did... They are in now so the worst is over
yay! It was a rough week and a half for my poor boy, he was not happy and I felt so sorry for him! I don't have any pictures of the teeth because they hard to see now but here are some other pictures. He likes sucking/
gnawing on a
carrot so that is why he has one in that picture. :) Oh, and he slept through the night last night again so
yay again! So things are looking up around here.
haha! Oh and another reason things are looking up is because everything is done for our house besides closing. so.... 16 more days!!
By the way, Kade is pretty much sitting up but he gets nervous and won't do it if he doesn't have something behind him. If I am sitting behind him he can sit up for a very long time. Also he is just about rolling over. A little late I know but its still exciting.
Teeth, Sitting up, Rolling over... its been a big week for Kade!

One more thing, last night Alex and I went on a date night after Kade was asleep and Grandma was here to baby sit. We went to Iceburg and were having some fun time alone and this guy came up and started talking to us. Before we knew it he had pulled up a chair at our table and sat there talking to us for our whole date night! (I say to and not with because that is what happened) After like twenty minutes I gave Alex a look that said do something to get us out of here. So he faked a phone call from my mom saying Kade was awake. Ok thats all. Ta ta!! Enjoy the pics!