I just love Sharli. She is probably one of the most hilarious and random people I know! We knew each other in Jr. High and were in band together. I remember going to her house one time. But then she moved away and that was that. THEN in the summer of 2006 I showed up for my first week of EFY to find Sharli there! We started visiting a bit and worked most of our sessions together. We rode together to Provo and ended being co-counselors for my very last session! That was by far my most favorite session! We had a blast and laughed probably more than all of my EFY weeks! Sharli is seriously hilarious! We had so much fun together sharing funny stories about our girls and staying up late and partying with them! She is just always a fun person to be around! I love reading her blog because she is hilarious even there! I would share it but I'm not sure if she wants me to.... But Sharli rocks!!! So there you have it!
1 comment:
Um this is slightly embarrassing... But I love you too! And I have absolutely no memory of you ever coming to my house in Jr. High. We need to do something really awkward together, I feel.
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