Friday, May 6, 2011

pod for finally nice day

First skinned knee of the season!


Leslee said...

That's Funny. I decided NOT to take pictures of Kenny and his Owies.... Let's see....a Bruised Forhead....which then got scraped from falling off a concrete step at a baby shower I went to. and then both of his knee's are super scraped and look horrible!
It must be the age. not wanting to hlod my hand and trying to run in shoes that he's not used to yet. poor kid. I look like a horrible mother!

Kasey said...

HAHA check out that face in the very last picture..and then look at Alex's face in the very first picture on the next post..HAHA..TWINS!! :D

Tara said...

cuuuuuuute pics danelleeee. you have such a beautiful family. weird...remember girls camp days and whatnot? and now you have 2 kids. wowza time goes fast.

JACK's house said...

still just as cute as ever!

Kasey said...
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