So I was having one of those crazy pregnant lady emotional days. Silly as it is it all started with Alex telling me I wasn't invited to his Chiropractor appointment. Which I know is dumb but I really wanted to be with him and I was sad that he said I wasn't invited. I even tried telling him that he wasn't invited to my doctors appointment but he said it was half his baby so I couldn't do that. I started bawling hysterically (I have been doing this a lot lately). Its actually pretty ridiculous when I get like that because I can't stop crying! And I have this awesome thing about me where if I cry for 30 seconds my face gets all red and blotchy its really nasty looking! And my eyes are so puffy I can hardly see through them the next day. Its really awesome! So anyways, pretty much the whole day I was crying about silly and stupid things that really meant nothing. Oh, by the way Alex did invite me to his appointment and was very apologetic about it. He was also laughing his head off because its just ridiculous when I act like that. So the day went on and we went to the doctor. Stepping on the scale while pregnant always makes ones day better! :) Then the doctor tells us that this little dude inside of me is 7 1/2 pounds. In case you missed the title I still have 26 days!! That is one huge baby! When I was there 2 weeks ago he was 6, and babies usually gain 1/2 pound a week and Kade gained 1 1/2 pounds in two weeks. I know that the doctor can only guess and that everything will go how its supposed to be and I will be ok. I really do know that and I am not THAT freaked out about the big thing. Yes I do think that is huge but I know it will be ok. I don't know why but I think I was secretly hoping that that doctor would change my due date a little bit or something. I know I am nuts! But I left feeling disappointed and so upset because that was how my day was going. I came home and just sat in bed crying because I am that awesome. At some point I fell asleep and I remember Alex sneaking out of the room. I asked him where he was going and he said nowhere. I woke up a bit later and he was still gone and I remember thinking "That meanie! He said he was going no where but then why isn't he here?!?!" Ha! Well a little later I woke again to my cute husband walking in the room with flowers and my favorite candy! He is so sweet! He said he didn't know what to do to make me feel better but he wanted to do something. He is so cute! He has been so awesome to me this whole pregnancy. He listens to me complain and does whatever I want him to and gets me anything I want. I really have been spoiled! So.. the point of this post is not to make you feel sorry for me but to tell you that ALEX IS THE BEST!!!!
OK I will stop talking now, and to make this post a little more enjoyable I have posted some pictures that some friends in our ward took of us. A lot of you have probably already seen them on facebook but now they are here too!! Enjoy!!
** Sorry that was so incredible long!
These first two are from Erin Langford.
And the rest are from Toni.
Yeah I know he is a stud!!
Christmas/December Fun!!
1 day ago
You are so normal...just remember that! If people tell you they didn't feel that way, they are lying, because EVERYONE feels like that. I think that's why I tried talking you into the fact that you would be late a few months ago, so you wouldn't get your hopes up :) But I don't know why because I ALWAYS get my hopes up...and I'm on my 5th kid! I start getting like that around 6 months, so you are way more hard core than me. And I'm way glad Alex got you flowers :) luv ya
i asked andersen what we should say to make you feel better, and he said..."i think we say...get feel better!!" so there you have it. pregnancy sucks, and it's hard, and it's emotional, and it's uncomfortable. yeah, sure, it's a beautiful miracle too, but it's hard to see that when you're where we're at. it's almost over, and it will be so worth it. if you need to have a freak out session, just come see me! we'll commiserate together. and props to alex. it's hard to know what to do, and that was so very sweet! hang in there. you're so close!!
You're sooo cute!!! Hang in there! You're doing so good. It's funny looking back. I think I felt better the week and a 1/2 I was over due then the week before my due date. Maybe cuz I got use to the idea that it was "never going to end" haha. I promise it ends!
I'm sooo excited for you! Let me know if you wanna do lunch this month! I'd love to see ya and give you a present!
Hey sweetie, what Tiffany said is exactly what I would say. But I think no matter how much you think at first that the baby for sure will be gestating for 10 months, you never can really convince your brain that the baby won't be early. I love you, it's okay to cry.
oh, i forgot to say one thing...the doctor said i was measuring big before andersen was born, and i was freaking out that i was going to have a huge baby. and then in labor i wasn't progressing, and they told me his head might just be too big to come out that way. FREAK OUT! andersen was a nice 7lbs 7oz, and didn't have a gargantuan head. you just can't tell. and dr. bierer himself told me yesterday that i'm looking at an 8+ pounder, but i take it with a grain of salt. he said there's about a 10% margin of error, so if you're looking at 8lbs, that could be as much as a pound off. AND, depending on how you're carrying the baby could affect those measurements also (said dr. bierer). so...point of the story - he might be a big baby, but he might not. so try not to freak yourself out worrying that he'll be too big to get out! trust me, i've BEEN THERE! but in the end, the reality the scenario in my head was SO MUCH WORSE than the reality. it will be fine. seriously, if you need someone to freak out that has had the same thoughts and fears, please come see me!!!
You're going to do great! Even though it's kinda hard just try and soak up all the last little kicks and twirls you're feeling right now - you will be so happy to have him out, but you won't feel the cool things of pregnancy any more either. And you'll do fine delivering, I just know it!
How do you get so many stinking comments!? You guys are more popular than any other bloggers alive! I love all of your pictures. So fun and cute. That Alex, he is a keeper and a half, Danelle. But pretty sure you know that. What a sweetheart!
You guys are so cute! Its okay to feel that way, its part of the whole hormone process and yes, we have all been there. If you are really, really, really, ready for the baby to come call me for a trick that worked for me.
Oh Danelle... you are such a cute pregnant girl! I didn't really get like that until I went over my due date(I'm sure if you asked Kyle though he would say I was way emotional before then) Once I hit 40 weeks and Keleb wasn't here yet i was hysterical! I was mad and sad but still excited all at the same time! What a roller coaster it is being pregnant huh! Alex is so good to you! Good thing too because you totally deserve it.
I totally know how you feel! I cried when Welton wanted chili for dinner and I didn't want that...he thought i was joking and started laughing (because it was pretty ridiculous) which made me cry even more..he felt pretty bad after that. silly hormones! Hang in there you are so close!! Closer than me...and that might make me a little jealous!!
That is so sweet of Alex. What a nice guy!! Hang in there for the next couple of weeks. Try to enjoy your freedoms-your life will NEVER BE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I do know how you feel! Afterall, we do have the same due date!
WAY CUTE photos-I need to get some pregnancy photos done fast. This is my last and I know I'll regret only having one pregnancy photo in 5 pregnancies!
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