Monday, June 8, 2009

Too smart :)

We always new Kade would be a smart little boy! Why wouldn't he be right? But I never thought he would be so smart that he would figure out how to suck is thumb at 2 months old!!!!
Grandma T is in big trouble! She thought it would be cute to teach him. But when he wouldn't do anything but eat his hand she gave up. Saturday she gave it another try and he caught on!!
I feel horrible taking his little thumb out. He looks so cute and it makes him so happy. But I don't want to be breaking the habit when he is 6.

I also wanted to post these pictures of his cute little Grandpa playing with him. It was so cute to see! And in case you are wondering yes, those are Grandpa's glasses above. :)


Shay said...

Awwww new grandpa! It's crazy to think of Mr. T as a grandpa. Probably because he still looks so young... haha Cute pics! ^_^

cindave said...

very cute, and very smart!! he looks like an absolute genius! :)

Anonymous said...

That picture of him with the glasses is the cutest thing ever! Also, I think it's adorable when babies suck their thumbs, so maybe you ought to let him...just for awhile though :)

Shaley said...

Sorry that anonymous comment was me I wasn't signed in and well I can't figure out how to use this dang thing!