So we went to Kade's doctor's appointment today. Alex and I like to guess how much he weighs and we were both quite off this time. At his 2 month appointment Alex was right on. I was thinking he would be somewhere in the 15 pound range so I guessed 15.5 and Alex guessed 16. He was only 14 pounds 11 ounces. I was pretty surprised. So at birth he was in the 90th percentile for weight and then at 2 months he was in the 75th and now he is in the 45th! I was really surprised.
So here are the rest of the stats.
Length 25.5 75th percentile. He grew 1 1/2 inches since his 2 month.
Head Circumference is 16.5 30th percentile
Weight 14.11 45th percentile.
Ok I know I put weight twice but it looks better on the chart thing. :)
I hate shots because they make my little guy so sad!!! He made the saddest face ever when the first one went in. The way he looked at me made me feel awful!!
Can't you just tell how sad he is in this picture. :(
It is sad to see how much Kade has grown up, I can't believe how much he has changed! Yet every new phase is so much fun! Its fun to see him grab things and I love love hearing his sweet little giggle! He always has a smile for everyone. One of the things that I really love about Kade is that I can already tell he is so loving and accepting of everyone. That is one of the things Alex blessed him with and its so sweet to see him like that. Some babies are hesitant around other people but Kade is just so cute to everyone. He plays with everyone. I know he is still young and the clingy phase will still come but I think its cute. I just love that there isn't anyone he doesn't like. Its funny because a lot of babies have certain people that they wont go to but I love how Kade loves everyone. I hope he is always like that!
Anyways, moving on. One more thing that for now we love about Kade is his new little squeal. Those of you who have heard it know exactly what I am talking about. It is LOUD!! He sounds like one of those whistling fireworks. Its pretty cute. In church.... that could be a problem. But we love seeing him excited and seeing his enthusiasm for life.
We started Kade on solids this week. He wasn't sleeping at night as well so we thought it would help to do solids at night and it did. He made the funniest faces! I will put the video up here shortly hopefully! He did pretty well though. We figured out he does best when we put it in a bottle and just cut the nipple really wide. It was bitter sweet giving him solids though because it reaffirmed that he is growing up too much!!
Well that's about all for now. I must keep my ramblings short, Alex says I have been typing for HOURS! I promised pictures, but our very kind and generous neighbor is doctoring our computer with pictures so I will have to postpone again.
Christmas/December Fun!!
1 day ago
That little sad face breaks my heart. Poor buddy. He is so adorable. I need to come play with him again soon!
that sad face is truly heartbreaking! so caleb really is fatter, huh? we'll see how much he weighs next week. it's so funny how we love watching them grow up and enter new phases, but it's always bitter sweet. well, until they get to be andersen's age, and then some are just sweet. ;)
shots are hard to watch these little babies go through huh. Kade is sure cute, even when he's so sad.
haha I love watching them eat rice cereal. We started Kam on it a few weeks ago, from my docs recommendation and the mess is half the entertainment! haha. We have her 4 month check up this next week....I hate watching them get shots. I totally know what you mean. HE IS A STUD though...maybe we need to have play dates hehe!
So Caydence has been the exact same, she started in like the 99th percentile for weight, and the last time she went to the doctor she was in the 40th!
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