So I have mentioned before that Kade sleeps with his arms up like this. My sister in law said that she heard that meant babies are secure when they sleep like that and really that thrills me to know that he is secure. But his hands and arms are always ice cold! We put him in long sleeves at night but his hands are still cold. Its not that he just likes to sleep with his hands up, he cant stand having them in blankets. We have tried putting little receiving blankets over his arms when they are up and he gets his arms out. We have tried wrapping the blankets around his arms, he gets them out. We have tried putting socks over his hands, get gets them off!! He just hates having his arms and hands covered silly boy! Sometimes he even kicks his blanket off like in the picture above. But I think that is just from his usual kicking. We have a space heater in there but the rest of him is warm its just his hands. I figure if he was really that cold he would wake up right? Anyways I just wanted to share that because its so funny how much he hates his arms in.

Kade also loves his bath time! I have video of it but I don't know how to put it on the blog yet. He usually plays in there for about a half an hour he loves it so much. But he HATES the lotion part! He screams harder that ever when we are putting lotion on him.
Sometimes when Kade is sleeping he makes these hilarious faces! HE looks all scrunched up like he is about to cry and then goes suddenly relaxed. It is so funny! It doesn't sound funny but when we get it on video I will have to prove it to you ha! Its hard to get it on video!

We just love this little boy so much! I love being a mom! It really is the most rewarding thing in life! I know I don't have much to go off of yet but I love it already! I know it will be challenging at times but that's what makes it so rewarding right? I have always wanted to be a mom. Its always been my dream. I was thinking last night that all I care about it being a good mom. I don't want to let my projects or a dirty house take priority over my kids. I know that is so much easier said than done and you have to find balance in everything. But I always want my kids to know that they are the most important thing in my life. Family really is all that matters. Everything else in life is for family. We go to work to provide for our family, you go school to get a good job to provide for your family and so on. I know there will be times that I will get overwhelmed and say what was I thinking! But hopefully I will always remember how I feel about the importance of family and I wont put anything else first.
Wonderful thoughts, Danelle.
Hi I reading the part about how Kade doesn't like getting lotion put on and I remembered how my little boy Carl was the same way. Its basically because they are warm from the bath water and then the lotion is usually kinda cold so its kind of shocking to them. What I learned was when I had Carl in the Bath and would make sure that the lotion lid was on tight and I would put the bottle in the warm bath water. Then by the time Carl was done with his bath the lotion would be warm and not cold. (Smaller bottles warm better then big ones). Anywho I hope this helps :)
He is darling! That is so cute, the way he sleeps with his arms up. I can't believe how much hair he has! It's so true, wishing them to stay small does absolutely NOTHING! It gets more and more fun at every stage. You are a great mom.
You have such a positive outlook for being 4 weeks into this. Good for you. My baby is proving to be a good sleeper. Hopefully it will last. My last 3 kids slept through the night completely by 6 weeks.
he's so cute! and i love the stories. those are the things you want to document because you'll forget them so fast. you think you'll remember the details forever, but they slip away. that's why i love my blog! (aka scrapbook/journal). i'm so much better at documenting things now.
So cute! He is just growing so fast. Kaleb sleeps like that when we dont swaddle him. Its so cute to see them all sprawled out. I'm so glad you've been blessed with a good sleeper. We have as well and its heaven! He went through a growth spurt(we're assuming) a few weeks ago that made him not sleep well for a couple of weeks. Boy do i feel bad for moms that have to deal with that for months and years. I'm so glad you and your family are doing well!
I love all of his dark hair! Just so cute!!!
yay for sleeping babies! good work, mamma!!!
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